
自己啓発や聖書に関する事等掲載中。引用聖句:新改訳聖書©新日本聖書刊行会 英文聖句:New International Ver.

芦部先生とチェルミンスキー先生の文献より: State Action Doctrine


 「state action とは、本来はaction by one of the statesの意味であるが、現在はより一般的に、private action に対する action by a governmental authority の意味に使われ、国家の『行為だといって差し支えないような行為』(Shelley v. Kraemer, 334 U.S.〔1948〕)をいう。」
芦部信喜『現代人権論 ― 違憲判断の基準』有斐閣、1974年、24頁。)


“These injuries are hardly trivial. Freedom of speech, privacy and equality - this society's most cherished values - are trampled without any redress in the courts. Certainly, such private infringements of basic freedoms can be just as harmful as governmental infringements. Speech can be chilled and lost just as much through private sanctions as through public ones. Private discrimination causes and perpetuates social inequalities at least as pernicious as those caused by government action.”
(Chemerinsky, Erwin 『Rethinking State Action』(http://eprints.law.duke.edu/802 )1985年、510頁。)

“Moreover, the concentration of wealth and power in private hands, for example, in large corporations, makes the effect of private actions in certain cases virtually indistinguishable from the impact of governmental conduct. Just as people may need protection from government because its power can inflict great injuries, so must there be some shield against infringements of basic rights by private power.”
(Chemerinsky, Erwin 『Rethinking State Action』510-511頁。)


”Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom
or the strong man boast of his strength
or the rich man boast of his riches”
(Jeremiah 9:23)
(エレミア書 9:23)