
自己啓発や聖書に関する事等掲載中。引用聖句:新改訳聖書©新日本聖書刊行会 英文聖句:New International Ver.

Search result exclusions

I am interested in the exclusion from search engine search results. We need to defend freedom of expression. That's why I am studying this subject at Keio University Faculty of Law although I am also a worker (computer system engineer for 20 years).

According to AltSearchEngines reports below that Google has around 90% search engine market share in France (well, 89.98% to be exact!). The next biggest is Yahoo ! (3.17%), followed by MSN (2.33%).

Google has already censored itself for China.

If Google is going to censor itself same as China at the other country, what should we say?

Please feel free to contact me and write down your comment below if you are interested in this subject.